
Showing posts from December, 2022

Blog Post 4-Mia Szohr

After doing more research into the negative environmental impacts that the production of fresh vegetable produce have, I would say they are not only significant and considerable but also come with a feasible solution that may reduce these negative impacts. When thinking on a more global or national scale, a possible large-scale solution could be a change in marketing. When looking at any marketing on produce, whether it is a commercial, ad, etc. there always seems to be a subliminal, if not direct, message that these products are not only health beneficial but also environmentally beneficial. In doing so, this pushes consumers to not only not consider the environmental impacts of buying produce from non-local sources, but actually pushes them to believe they are being environmentally friendly with their meal choice. By creating ads that promote more locally sourced produce as well as putting these environmental impacts from things such as transportation of the produce, chemical use and...